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Volvo C70 - car classics

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Volvo C70
  • Volvo C70
  • Volvo C70
  • Volvo C70
  • Volvo C70
  • Volvo C70
  • Volvo C70

Volvo C70

The model was first presented in 1996 at the Paris motor show. C70 has demonstrated a radical departure from conventional models Volvo. It used the five-cylinder configuration-line engine, as in the V70 T5, and although suspension were mostly taken from the model V70 with a body of type В«saloonВ», the company specially hired a group of developers from the TVR with the purpose of racing cars for participation in races of В«Formula-1В». Their task was to adjustment of the model, taking into account a new goal. In her left rear part of the Volvo Delta Link, which allows the rear wheels to turn frakcionno to help management. The engine was the aluminium, it used Motronic fuel injection and turbocharger with high blood pressure. The only possible transmission was automatic, but offered the options for a sports car, cost-effective and for the winter time. As always in the case of Volvo, providing some security measures, such as the electronic distribution of braking and the system of protection from side impacts. In the car was able to combine luxury of - use of wood and leather in the salon, with a very low center due to a very low coefficient of drag, sostavlyavshemu all 0,29.

Maximum speed:

248 km/h

0-95 km/h:

6,3 seconds.

engine Type:

inline 5-cylinder

the working volume of the engine:



mechanical 5-speed

the Maximum power:

176 kW at 5100 rpm

the Maximum torque:

329 Nm at 2700 rpm


1529 kg


6.4 km/l

Other names of this model: Volvo C70 coupe, Volvo C70 convertible

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