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Ford F-100 - car classics

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Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100
  • Ford F-100

Ford F-100

Ford F-100 replaced the F-1 in 1953. The last car of this model has descended from the conveyor in 1956. Together with the change of generations, has changed and the marking of the Ford F-Series: F-100 conform to the carrying capacity of the 1/2 ton, F-250 - 3/4 ton, F-350 - 1 ton. By the way, a similar marking is preserved up to the present time - the last konceptkar the Ford F-Series, presented in the end of 2012, received the marking of the F-250.

But the change of marking the case is not over. Ford F-100 has got a new design and updated specifications. The salon has become more spacious inside, the front glass added to the visibility, changed the design of the lights and lines of the front bumper.

Became available to the new eight cylinders V-shaped engines with the amount of 215 CID (101 HP), 223 CID (105 HP), 239 CID (115 HP), 255 CID (130 HP). and 272 CID (170 HP). Three-stage gearbox have sunk into oblivion, but four and pyatistupenchatye mechanical transmission were still available. Moreover, there was a modification of the Ford F-100 engine with 272 CID and five mechanics with overdrayvom. Technical data of this modification has closely approached the sports cars.

Other names of this model: Ford F-110, Ford F-250, Ford F-260, Ford F-Series, Mercury M-100, Ford F-100 pickup

Latest Ford F-100 listings offered via internet auctions:

1963 Ford F-100 Custom Cab for Sale
price: $23,995.00
1963 Ford F-100 Custom Cab
1956 Ford F-100 for Sale
price: $27,600.00
1956 Ford F-100
1966 Ford F-100 for Sale
price: $39,995.00
1966 Ford F-100
1957 Ford F-100 for Sale
price: $22,999.00
1957 Ford F-100

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from Евгений, dated 05 march 2014
Добрый день, подскажите по цене на ford f-100 с расстаможкой как КЦ.

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