Classic Cars in UK / Anglia

Anglia History


This is the history of the brand Anglia since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.

Classic Cars

We have collected the best classic cars in our catalogue. In addition, if you're going to buy one - just check the latest Anglia listings in the United Kingdom.


Anglia is a brand created by Corporation Ford specifically for their cars, designed and izogotovlennyh in the UK for the English market.

Ford Anglia - this is truly a British car, who was in his time a symbol of high quality and stylish automobile industry. This is mainly concerned Ford Prefect and later Ford Popular. Just as the name Ford Anglia were four models of cars in the period between 1939 and 1967.

In the amount of Anglia was made in the number of 1594486 pieces, before it was replaced by a new Ford Escort.

Anglia cars, presented in our catalogue:

Latest classic Anglia cars offered in listings in the United Kingdom: