Classic Cars in UK / Rochdale

Rochdale Cars History


This is the history of the brand Rochdale since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.

Classic Cars

We have collected the best classic cars in our catalogue. In addition, if you're going to buy one - just check the latest Rochdale listings in the United Kingdom.


Initially, the company "Rochdale" limited assembly of mechanical units on the orders of different companies. The first car brand "Rochdale" were compact sports coupe - double "Riviera" and "Olympic" to the number of seats 2 +2. Soon, the "Olympic" with fiberglass body. Initially the company used the deliverables concern Navy, especially the 1.5-liter engine "Riley". Since 1963, on the "Olympic" motor installed on the model "Ford Cortina". In all there were about 400 cars of this brand.

Latest classic Rochdale cars offered in listings in the United Kingdom: