Classic Cars / Porsche / Car for sale

1962 Porsche Junior

Sale price: $12,500.00 make an offer

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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1962 Porsche Junior for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.15) based on 148 votes
Porsche Junior 109 Diesel Tractor.

New Wheels. br>New Paint. br>New Electric. br>New Brakes. br>New Injection Pump
New Oil. br>New Filters. br>New Clutch. br>New Cylinder. br>New Tüv/Mot (check)

German title

Only small things are not perfect.
One botton is missing. and one is painted. br>one hydraulic line is not painted.
Some little defizit of the painting.

The Porsche is located in 74564 Crailsheim. south Germany.
I will bring it to Rotterdam or Bremerhaven for 500€ extra.
I don't know how much is the shipping to USA. br>but if i buy a car in US i must pay 1200-1500€

Feel free to ask me. what you want to know.
0049 795123756
0176 52846766 WhatsApp
eschuch@gmx. de

I have very much friends in our sistercity Worthington Minesota.

If you want to see the Porsche. i will pic you up at the Airport FRA.

Sorry about my bad english.

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