Classic Cars / Messerschmitt / Car for sale

1969 Subaru Other Isetta Messerschmitt etc

Sale price: $US $1,125.00 make an offer

Pending offers

Date: 2017-05-23

Reza Rasekh (from Terra Bella California ) offered $1125 usd

Date: 2017-05-27


Missee (from Aurora) offered usd

Date: 2017-05-27

Missee (from Aurora) offered 1200.00 usd

Date: 2017-12-20

Daniela Martinez (from Pi?on Hills, CA) offered 1200.00 usd

Date: 2018-08-27

Dave (from LAS VEGAS) offered 900 usd

Date: 2018-11-29

Zavien (from North Carolina) offered 1200 usd

Date: 2018-12-21

Ken Clark (from Ligonier) offered 1500.00 usd

Date: 2018-12-21

Ken Clark (from Ligonier) offered 1500.00 usd

Date: 2019-02-11

William (from Nokomis, fl) offered 2,000 usd

Date: 2019-07-10

tom mack offered 2000 usd

Date: 2020-05-21

memeto (from jakarta ,indonesia) offered 2250 usd

Date: 2020-12-10

Iris Walker (from Birmingham, AL) offered 1125.00 usd

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

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1969 Subaru Other Isetta Messerschmitt etc for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.25) based on 488 votes
You were looking at a beautiful 1969 Subaru mini micro car 360 deluxe .  this car runs looks and drives outstanding . this car has been in the beautiful Pacific Northwest the majority of it's life away from the elements of salt and high heat and snow. I am adding my phone number for any detailed questions please call I can talk a lot better than I can type please do NOT email I will NOTget back to you soon enough . I can also have this car shipped anywhere in the US for a flat fee of $900                           Please call me anytime 253-6562509

Want to buy this car?

Comments and questions to the seller:

from Roberto Cattivelli C, dated 15 april 2018
Are you still selling?

from AZ all, dated 06 november 2017
I am interested to buy your car, what is the best price, and can it be shipped to UK

from Arne Kielberg, dated 15 september 2017
What is the shipping price to Denmark

from Jan Harrison, dated 17 june 2017
Do you still have this vehicle. Live in Florida.

from Reza, dated 23 may 2017
Where are you at? Can you call me please. Thanks

from sammy, dated 04 may 2017
hi i was wondering what is this cars mpg? I am very intrerested in this car.oh and does it have mirrors?

from Kim kaloust, dated 04 april 2017
Hi I am very interested in purchasing you car
Can you tell me last time it ran and can you tell me what it needs to continue to run? Can you ship to newton mass
Please call me at 781-640-8451

from Andrew, dated 18 february 2017
Can you call me about your car? 801-898-1120

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