Classic Cars / Reliant / Car for sale

Reliant Scimitar 3.0 GTE 1979 / T Lovely condition .Red with Black Leather

Sale price: £3,500.00 make an offer

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Date: 2018-02-01

Ian Lock (from Brigg) offered 3500 gbp

Car location: Stanford in the Vale, United Kingdom

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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Reliant Scimitar 3.0 GTE 1979 / T Lovely condition .Red with Black Leather for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.15) based on 566 votes
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Comments and questions to the seller:

Stephen Moorehead, dated 13 may 2023
Hi there,
could you please send me some photos of the interior, engine and the chassis. The description what comes along with this ad is not ledgable. Thanks. Stephen.

from de Romrée , dated 10 october 2018
Still for sale
Thank you for a quick answer

from Kristian Lillelund, dated 16 november 2017
Still for sale?
If so please mail me info on the car - impossible to read text above - and please mail some pics of interior and engine

from Ian Lock, dated 31 october 2017
Is the Scimitar still for sale

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