Classic Cars / Porsche / Car for sale

Porsche 912 911 decoration F Modell 1968 SWB GULF feineraufschnitt

Sale price: £7,490.00 make an offer

Pending offers

Date: 2019-11-17

Alexandre Oliveira (from Porto, Portugal ) offered 4500 gbp

Car location: Remshalden, Germany

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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Porsche 912 911 decoration F Modell 1968 SWB GULF feineraufschnitt for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.25) based on 452 votes
Original Porsche 912 / 911 from 1968. for the Wall.  Very rare and special.  The body was new painted in GULF blue.  
For the other side you can choose the colour. or you take it in black with patina. ( Not in this auction. please ask for the price ) 

EU Shipping is no problem. please ask for cost's.  VAT free due to small business regulation §19 UStG
Shipping to London is 900 EUR.  

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Comments and questions to the seller:

from Luc, dated 13 november 2015
Hello Sir

I'Am from Belgium.
Whats the price of the Porsche Wall Shell ?
Shipping cost to Belgium ?

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