Classic Cars / Mazda / Car for sale

A Limited Edition UK Mk1 Mazda MX5 California as Featured in the James Mann Book

Sale price: £5,295.00 make an offer

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Date: 2017-10-01

Colin Gianella (from Rustington. West Sussex.) offered 5250 gbp

Car location: Peterborough, United Kingdom

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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A Limited Edition UK Mk1 Mazda MX5 California as Featured in the James Mann Book for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.25) based on 292 votes
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Comments and questions to the seller:

from Colin Gianella, dated 01 october 2017
I am very interested in the MX5 California you are advertising. Is this the same car that was for sale last year? If it is and it's up for sale again, then I'm definately interested as I only just missed it first time round.Hopefully, it's not an advert that's not been taken down. Cash waiting for the right car.

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