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Porsche 944 - car classics

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  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944
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  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944
  • Porsche 944

Porsche 944

Porsche 944 was a sports car, manufactured by the company В«PorscheВ» at the plant В«AudiВ» in the city of Nekkarzulme in Germany (at that time in the Federal Republic of Germany) from 1982 to 1991.

When creating a Porsche 944, manufacturers proceeded from the basic characteristics of its predecessor - Porsche 924, and in particular used the layout of the engine and transmission of the previous model. The total weight of the vehicle was 1180 kg, which was subsequently increased to 1330 kg. The length of the wheelbase is about 2400 mm. Also the car was at the disposal of valves with hydraulic lifts.

This srednelitrazhnyy car had a four-cylinder engine with turbonaduvom in volume of 2,5 litres, which was later replaced with a 3-liter. Porsche 944 also equipped with a five-speed manual and the three-speed automatic transmission rear wheel drive. Difference of this model from other cars В«PorscheВ» was that the engine was located in the front part of the machine, and the transmission in the rear. This distribution is provided excellent razvesovku on the axes. Originally Porsche 944 produced in sleeping body, and since 1988 it was possible to buy В«kabrioletnyyВ» option.

Consumption of fuel in a city cycle: 13.6 liters per 100 km
Fuel consumption by road: 7.8 litres per 100 km
Fuel consumption in the combined cycle: 10.2 litres per 100 km

Other names of this model: Porsche 944 Turbo, Porsche 944 Turbo S Porsche 944S, Porsche 944S2, Porsche 944 Turbo Cabriolet, Porsche 944S2 Cabriolet, Porsche 944 Turbo Cup

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