Shelby History

This is the history of the brand Shelby since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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The company Shelby-American company - the automobile school of the famous racer and designer Carroll Shelby, opened in 1959. It is on the basis of Carroll created the first car under the "your name", which received the name of the Shelby Cobra in co-operation with the Ford. In cooperation with them have also been developed model Shelby GT350 and Shelby GT500, on the basis of which in effect were made Daytona Coupe, GT40 and Mustang. However, because of disagreements Shelby stopped cooperation with Ford.
Financial support of the issue Shelby Cobra conducted by Ford c 1962 to 1967. In this case, the right to Shelby originally belonged to the Ford Advanced Vehicles, but since 1964, became the property of Shelby American. In fact, in addition to constantly modificirovavsheysya and dorabatyvavsheysya model Cobra Shelby not issued a more "independent" cars. However, he took part in a series cars from Dodgereceived the name Shelby Dodges. Before the constructor involved in the creation and modification of Shelby Ford Mustang.
In 1960, when the FIA demanded from all manufacturers to produce cars parties, consisting of a minimum of 100 copies, Shelby entered in cunning. Between the first and the second minimal parties of their Cobra he just released a substantial part of the VIN-room, creating the illusion of required number of copies. It is also remarkable that already in the 1990s, Shelby suddenly declared that "the same" party is found, and have gathered a few dozen alleged vintage cars sold fans for crazy money.
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