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Porsche 924 - car classics

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Porsche 924
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  • Porsche 924
  • Porsche 924
  • Porsche 924
  • Porsche 924
  • Porsche 924
  • Porsche 924

Porsche 924

Porsche 924 sports car of the German company Porsche, manufactured in 1976-1988 years. Model appeared as an alternative to the uneconomical and expensive 911, which in the period of the oil crisis bought reluctantly. In this case, Porsche 924 is not a "subsidiary" of a car from 911 - it is founded on a completely new wheelbase with the use of other technologies.

Car Porsche 924 produced in the type of body compartment with the number of places 2+2. In the design of the truck his development of the concept of В«TRANS akslВ», according to which the transmission with the pair was located behind a single housing, and the engine at the front. The engine of the 2-litre with a capacity of 125 HP was "borrowed" the group Volkswagen.

In 1977 Porsche 924 was released a limited edition of a special series of "Martini Edition", which touted the victory in the World Championship. These cars are rare, painted by the white and have luxury finishing of the interior. In 1978 appeared accelerated version of Porsche 924 Turbo with a capacity of 170 HP., and here are the first washing of glass with heating and toning of glass of different shades appeared in the Porsche 924 only in 1984.

Other names of this model: Porsche 924S, Porsche 924S Le Mans, Porsche 924S SE, Porsche 924S Club Sport

Latest Porsche 924 listings offered via internet auctions:

1981 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS GTS for Sale
price: $285,000.00
1981 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS GTS
1981 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS GTS for Sale
price: $285,000.00
1981 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS GTS
1977 Porsche 924 for Sale
price: $1,199.00
1977 Porsche 924
1981 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS GTS for Sale
price: $285,000.00
1981 Porsche 924 Carrera GTS GTS

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