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Classic Cars / MG (Morris Garage) / MG MGC

MG MGC - car classics

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Used MG MGC Cars

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  • MG MGC
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  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC
  • MG MGC


MG MGC, also known as ADO52, produced from 1967 to 1969. During this time, was released 9321 car, which were available in the variants of the 2-door coupe and a 2-door Roadster.

MG MGC had under the hood six-cylinder boxer engine capacity 2913 cm3, develops capacity in 145 HP. (108kVt) at 5250 rpm. Hereinafter the engine has undergone quite a serious modification, which necessitated a change in the structure of the bottom and the engine compartment. To MG-MGC established disc brakes, telescopic shock absorbers and torsion suspension. Was available a four-step mechanical gearbox with overdrayvom, as well as a three-step automatic device. Maximum speed was 120mil/h(193km/h)and acceleration from 97km/h take 10 seconds.

The MG MGC, there were two major drawbacks - it is extremely heavy motor and a new, still has not managed to pass all the necessary tests, the suspension. With the latter there is a lot of problems when the vehicle is started in a batch production, which provoked a storm of criticism from the automotive press. In spite of the fact that the deficiencies were corrected by 1968, the opinion of consumers already changed failed, and a year later the car was removed from production.

Other names of this model: MG MGC GT, MGC Coupe

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