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Audi 80 GT - car classics

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Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT
  • Audi 80 GT

Audi 80 GT

Audi 80 GT sports car of a representative class, from the German manufacturer Audi. The model was produced from 1973 to 1986, and had a common platform with Volkswagen Passat.

Production of the Audi 80 GT began in 1973. System with dual-carburetor in combination with fine tuning contributed to the achievement of high power 100 horsepower (74 kW), due to which machine develop speed to a record 175 km/h. Unpack sports car, at the request of the client, included Matt black bonnet and alloy wheels, because of what the net weight of the vehicle does not exceed 835kg. Traditional in 80 GT stayed round headlights.

Inside the В«iron horseВ» was-line four-cylinder engine in volume 1,29l-1,588l.

In total on the European market received 932 403 car of the Audi 80 GT.

The new model of the Audi 80 GTE with a capacity of 108 HP soon replaced Audi 80 GT. Production was stopped in 1978.

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