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Audi 50 - car classics

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Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50
  • Audi 50

Audi 50

Audi 50 - this is a small economical car class "supermini" from the German manufacturer Audi. The model was sold only on the markets of Europe.

Audi 50 appeared after a couple of years after the Italian Fiat 127 and the French Renault 5 and became the first German car of class "supermini", is rapidly pokoryavshego Europe of those years. A few months after the release on the market, the Audi 50 has undergone a small re-branding and was sold and under the brand of Volkswagen as a model Polo.

Cars Audi 50 assembled at the factory of the company NSU in Nekkarzulme, as well as on the giant automobile plant Volkswagen in Wolfsburg.

On the car in the basic configuration, set a petrol engine in the range 1.1-liter capacity of 50 or 59 horsepower.

In 1978, a cheaper version of the Volkswagen completely replaced the Audi 50 from the market, and scheduled updating of the design and mechanics of this model was not destined to happen.

Year of release: 1974 - 1978.

In the car were the engines of a volume of 0.9 1.1 and 1.3-liter 4-speed manual transmission.

There were 180812 of such machines.

Other names of this model: Audi Typ 86, Audi 50 GLS

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