Classic Cars / Chevrolet / Car for sale

1965 Chevrolet Corvette CONVERTIBLE

Sale price: $23,995.00 make an offer

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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1965 Chevrolet Corvette CONVERTIBLE for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 126 votes
TEXT 909-374-3400

SRIII Motorsports. Inc.

- SRIII custom round tube stage two chassis set up for:

            1965 Corvette convrt –C6 suspension. side exhaust. Currie IRS housing


  - Stage one bare steel all C6 round tube frame

  - C6 upper control arm shaft kit. bushings and sleeves

  - Viking double adjustable coil-over shocks and springs

  - Refurbished C6 front and rear suspension

  - Rebuilt C4 rack and pinion

  - Goodridge SS braided brake flex lines

  - Lower T-bars for front shocks

  - C6 rear lower shock brackets

  - Rebuilt base brake calipers. new rotors and pads

  - Custom HD CV's and axles to Corvette C6 spindles

  - Currie Fab9 IRS housing and iron third member

  - Sectioned front and rear C6 sway bars. bushings. brackets and links

  - Hardware kit

  - Stock body mount locations

  - Mounts for front and rear bumpers and fuel tank cross member

  - Parking brake arm and mounting for ‘63-‘66

  - Parts assembly labor

                                                                                                                                                  20. 00. 00

Upgrade Options:

  - Upgrade to 9” 35 spline Eaton True Trac Differential 3. 50 ratio                                     600. 00

  - C6 Z06 brake package upgrade                                                                                       2. 00. 00

  - SS brake hardlines                                                                                                                500. 00

  - Flaming River custom roadrace rack 6” travel upgrade (required for C6)                     650. 00

  - Upgrade to 33 spline rear ZR1 style bearing hubs                                                           800. 00

  - Under fuel tank support63-67                                                                                             155. 00

  - Custom SS fuel tank with LS 640 hp pump                                                                   1. 50. 00

  - 0-90 ohm sender for SS tank                                                                                                 55. 00

  - SRIII LS9 motor mount adapter plates and rubber biscuit mounts                                           150. 00

  - Late model battery tray/custom brackets attached in stock position 63-67                   150. 00

  - 4 pc fiberglass panels for rear floor areas 63-67 convrt                                                   450. 00

  - Plywood roller wheels for shipping                                                                                       80. 00


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