Classic Cars / Morris / Car for sale

Morris Minor UTE

Sale price: $5,500.00 make an offer

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Date: 2016-09-12

lawrence waterson (from tasmania) offered usd

Car location: Wingham, NSW, Australia

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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Morris Minor UTE for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 378 votes

All rust has been cut out and plated. full respray. shackle bush rubbers and steering and control arm rubbers have been replaced. brake drums have been machined and new brake shoes. slave cylinder and master cylinder. Original engine recoed. new upholstery fitted. new tyres and new exhaust. This ute is rare and all original. long term project. and I have lots of spares to sweeten the deal!!

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Comments and questions to the seller:

from Darryn Winter, dated 29 april 2017
Is it still for sale

from William, dated 28 december 2016
Is the ute still for sale?

from craig, dated 20 october 2016
could you please tell me if there is any issues or rust in this car. do you have any pictures of the under body. Thanks

from Laurie, dated 09 july 2016
Is this ute still for sale. Plus if it is where is it,as I live in Hobart.

from Peter Hackney, dated 26 april 2016
Hi-Can you please advise if the car is registered, and let me know your 'phone number.


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