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Classic Cars / Pontiac / Pontiac GTO Judge

Pontiac GTO Judge - car classics

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Used Pontiac GTO Judge Cars

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Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge
  • Pontiac GTO Judge

Pontiac GTO Judge

This new model GTO with nothing can be confused, thanks to a special color В«Red merry-go-roundВ» and The inscription В«The JudgeВ» on the bonnet and wings. The appearance of the add serial engine output of 261 kW capacity 6.6 litre in the basic model at the time, as in the best Judge raised the engine Ram Air III capacity of 273 kW. Also in the car there was a suspension for heavy working conditions with stiffer springs and shock absorbers. Standard transfer a number on the back of the bridge was 3,90:1, there was a differential with high internal friction, although can be ordered and a model with a higher ratio for better acceleration. Externally, the car was one of the first, which used to absorb the energy of the wings, capable of coping with strikes at a low speed. Delight caused and interior design, with a very convenient location dashboard and useful SLC on the hood. Kovsheobraznye seats were also very comfortable, and the speed control of the company Hurst could use the chetyrehstupenchatuyu transmission Muncie not skipping any steps.

Maximum speed:

197 km/h

0-95 km/h:

6,2 seconds.

engine Type:

V-shaped 8-cylinder

the working volume of the engine:

6555 cm3


manual 4-speed

Maximum output:

273 kW at 5400 rpm

Maximum torque of:

603 Nm at 3600 rpm


1592 kg


3.9 km/l

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