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Classic Cars / Packard / Packard Executive

Packard Executive - car classics

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  • Packard Executive
  • Packard Executive

Packard Executive

Packard Executive was put into production in 1956 in order to bridge the price gap between the prestigious cars Packard and cars Clipperthat separated as a separate brand. At that time, as the most expensive Clipper was worth $3065, Packard Patrician in minimal configuration can be bought for $4120, Packard Executive was worth $3465. The car was promoted as an opportunity for young people to position themselves as the elite of the society.

Under the hood Packard Executive had the V8-shaped engine with a volume of 5.8 litres and capacity of 352 HP., five-stage mechanical or three-step automatic transmission. Also set disc brakes on all wheels, the front suspension was independent, while the rear is rigidly fixed.

Having taken over a large part of the design from Packard Patrician, Executive allocated style doors, as well as the lack of possibility to dvuhtonovoy painting. The inner design Packard Executive almost no change has moved from Clipper. The car used a moderately popular, because the fast was established to deter sales image of a beautiful wrapping with an unmatched view of content.

Other names of this model: Packard Executive Hardtop

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