Suzuki History

This is the history of the brand Suzuki since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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Formally, Suzuki Motor Corporation was founded in 1909, but prior to 1937, the company was called Suzuki Loom Works and produced bicycles, weaving machines and motorcycles. The first prototypes were produced up until 1939, but due to the beginning of the war, the development was suspended. After the 50-s of the market looms collapsed, the company developed the original bike Suzuki Power Free with the "2-driving sprocket", which enabled to move as soon as at the expense of the engine, and as a result the engine using the pedals.
Finally the name of the Suzuki Motor Co adopted in 1954, had by this time was about 6 thousand of mopeds and motorcycles "Suzuki" in a month. The first compact car Suzulight was introduced in 1955. She had independent front suspension and front wheel drive. In 1961, was released the first mini-truck company, named Suzuki Carry, and already in 1968 model was released in the form of polnokabinnogo of the van.
The first generation up from Suzuki introduced in 1968 - Fronte, Alto and Cervo were put into production at the same time. The first foreign plant Suzuki appeared at the same time on the territory of Thailand. During 1973-1975, were opened branches Suzuki in Canada, the Philippines and India. However, the model of a higher class for the first time was presented only in 1982 - it was then when the first one came subkompaktnyy the car company Suzuki Swift.
Export products of Suzuki in the United States only started in 1985. In 1988, began production of SUV Vitara, continuing to this day. It is also interesting that it is the company Suzuki has designed the world's first "off-road" motorcycle. The company operates to this day, but in 2009-2011 worked in Alliance with the Volkswagen Group.
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