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Bentley S3 - car classics

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Bentley S3
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  • Bentley S3
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  • Bentley S3
  • Bentley S3
  • Bentley S3
  • Bentley S3
  • Bentley S3
  • Bentley S3
  • Bentley S3

Bentley S3

Bentley S3 is a luxury four-door sedan, published by the British concern since the end of 1962 to March 1965. When the price of an incipient from £6200, was sold 1286 cars, as well as 32 with extended wheel base. Another Bentley S3 was released in the back of the Drophead coupeé Mulliner Park Ward.

In comparison with the previous models of Bentley S3 different organization vnutrisalonnogo space - a single front seat was divided into two sections, one for each passenger, and rear passenger compartment has received an additional dozen inches of free space, which increased comfort for passengers and changed the perception of the car interior. The main headlights have changed somewhat in the design and added capacity by 20%. Line grille has been shifted to one and a half inches down, which gave a somewhat aggressive appearance of the whole car.

Bentley S3 received V8-shaped engine 6.2-liter, inherited from S2. Some structural changes have increased the power and allowed to disperse dvuhtonnyy car to 184 km/h. Much has been improved power steering, what made S3 one of the most legkoupravlyaemyh cars in the world.

Other names of this model: Bentley S3 Park Ward Continental sports saloon, Bentley S3 long wheelbase, Bentley S3 Continental, Bentley S3 Continental Flying Spur by Mulliner Park Ward, Bentley S3 Continental drophead coupeé

Latest Bentley S3 listings offered via internet auctions:

1965 Bentley S3 for Sale
price: $49,950.00
1965 Bentley S3
1963 Bentley S3 RADFORD for Sale
price: $82,800.00
1963 Bentley S3 RADFORD
1965 Bentley S3 for Sale
price: $49,950.00
1965 Bentley S3
1965 Bentley S3 for Sale
price: $49,950.00
1965 Bentley S3

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