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Alfa Romeo 8C - car classics

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  • Alfa Romeo 8C
  • Alfa Romeo 8C

Alfa Romeo 8C

Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 is the brainchild of Vittorio Jano, ex-designer FIAT, racing car, 1931, a native of Italy. Two years after its release Tacio Nuvolari, controlling it, won the race, the Mille Miglia - and this victory was only the first of many. In addition, this vehicle has helped the firm Alfa Romeo attract many buyers.

The standard model 8C 2300 could ramp up to 185 km/h, and after the engine has improved, the power of the car has increased significantly. The engine displacement was increased from 2336 to 2556 cubic cm. As a result the maximum speed of the Alfa Romeo became 217 km/h. This model has helped the company raise the bar even higher than it was in the days of secure, but not very powerful 6C.

The open two - or triple body, 138 HP., a four-step gearbox, increasing the working volume of the engine, numerous victories in races, chassis, which was proposed in the short and long versions - that's the good thing about the model of the 8C 2300 from their predecessors. The success of the Alfa Romeo was predetermined the appearance of this vehicle. However, the developers have not stopped on reached, and in 1937 appeared model 8C 2900 - enjoying another great demand sports car.

Other names of this model: 8C 2300, 8C 2600, 8C 2900, 8C 2900B, 8C 2900B Mille Miglia Roadster

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