Classic Cars / Rolls-Royce / Car for sale

1974 Rolls-Royce SILVER SHADOW LWB

Sale price: $12,900.00 make an offer

Car location: Richmond, Texas, United States

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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1974 Rolls-Royce SILVER SHADOW LWB for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 93 votes

I have this 1974 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow LWB, I purchased this car with the mindset of restoring it but after I got the vehicle thingsseems to be a little bit too much for me to handle that I wasn't planning ondoing. I changed oil, filters, transmission fluid and filter, air filter. Irebuilt the extended radiator tank, I replaced waterpump with refurbished, Ireplaced radiator with new Aluminum Radiator Fit Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Bentley T1 L410 V8 AT1965-77 56mm

The following I installed new braking pads on all 4 wheels, new backup camera, new electronic coil system PerTronix 40011 Flame-Thrower40,000 Volt 1.5 ohm Coil, changed all plugs. The car runs and drive but itneeded new master cylinder brakes and it might be the line because I wasn't able to get brake fluids out from one of the front wheels when we bladed it so the vehicle is unsafe to drive and can only be towed and alsoneeded new mufflers.

I purchased a used muffler and installed it for temporary use while working on other things but unfortunately that muffler didn't workbecause it was damaged and clogged when I got it from the seller. The vehicle will need more work and or complete interior and paint restoration, body is ingood condition except for that one rear shock under the backseat wheel and the backseat.

 I've removed the backseats and notice where the water was coming from, which is from the rear windshield so the backseat will not be bolted on.

 When I purchased thecar the seller never disclosed that information with me when I asked about rusts and body issues or mentioned it on his ad. The front bumper started to show some rust so I sand it down and primed it until am ready to have it chromeagain.

The radio and the power line were removed when I got the vehicle so that is why I installed another used radio with a backup camera.

Also I have replaced AIR INTAKE TUBE, used ROLLS ROYCE parts, also replaced with all new drive belts.

I've always wanted a silver shadow but it's unfortunate that I can't complete this project at this time.


I am selling the vehicle as is   

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