Classic Cars / Jaguar / Car for sale

Jaguar XJC Australian Delivered in Melbourne, VIC

Sale price: $6,000.00 make an offer

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Date: 2019-05-18

David Simpson (from Gold Coast) offered 6000 gbp

Car location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Seller's notes: This car is Mechanically OK, requiring a rear brake overhaul to make it roadworthy. With some exterior flaw this car has rust next to both petrol cap fillers. It also has rust in the sills as shown. The car has had two floors replaced professionally. The interior of the car requires new veneer and a re-trim.While this is not the cleanest version you have ever seen it is completely original with books and delivery documentation. This is to my knowledge the only Turquoise exterior/ tan interior car delivered to Australia (based on information found through

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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Jaguar XJC Australian Delivered in Melbourne, VIC for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.1) based on 564 votes
This car is Mechanically good. requiring a rear brake overhaul to make it roadworthy. (Can be completed at additional cost. I have the parts available and will come with the car). The air-conditioning is complete. however the main belt for the compressor was removed by the previous owner. The transmission was recently overhauled before I purchased the car. With some exterior flaws this car has rust next to both petrol cap fillers. It also has rust in the sills as shown. The car has had the two front floors replaced professionally. The interior of the car requires new veneer and a re-trim. While this is not the cleanest version you have ever seen it is completely original with books and delivery documentation. The car has a sunroof and air-conditioning. This is to my knowledge the only Turquoise exterior/ tan interior car delivered to Australia (based on information found through www. XJC. com. au I am happy to assist with International Transport organised that the buyers expense. The car is located at my workshop so I can take more photos as required. In addition. the car is available for inspection with a hoist to elevate the car if required. I have owned this car for six months. however I need to sell it to fund another project.

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Comments and questions to the seller:

from DARREL WINCH, dated 25 may 2021
Please inform if vehicle is still available .. Thanks . D

from DARREL WINCH, dated 22 may 2021
Would you have any interest in trading on my Harley Dyna Super Glide .. 1700 Six Speed .. 22Ks in Red. Now in my 70s and really should ride any more .. Thanks .. Darrel ..

from Gavin, dated 15 may 2018
Hi, is this vehicle still available?Gavin

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