Classic Cars / Riley / Car for sale

1954 Riley RME 1500 Call 07584903010

Sale price: £7,950.00 make an offer

Pending offers

Date: 2017-08-27

bram graveland (from maassluis, holland) offered 7500.00 eur

Date: 2019-04-13

journou offered usd

Car location: brentwood, United Kingdom

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

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1954 Riley RME 1500 Call 07584903010 for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 506 votes
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Comments and questions to the seller:

Andrea ricci, dated 02 december 2020
Hi is the car still available? looking forward to hearing from you soon

from Roger Griffiths, dated 12 july 2020
Can you please tell me is the vehicle Riley RME. JRX 720 still for sale, if so can you give me additional information. Is the vehicle in a roadworthy condition ie. brakes etc. does the vehicle run, is the 60,000 miles a round the clock mileage, how many previous owners.
Kind regards

from AL DIVERS, dated 01 january 2020

from AL DIVERS, dated 01 january 2020

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