Classic Cars / Ford / Car for sale

Ford: Bronco Convertible

Sale price: $47,900.00 make an offer

Car location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Seller's notes: The 1968 Ford Bronco offered here is one of finest builds we have seen. No sortcuts, no bargain parts and zero shortage of the ''cool factor''. The truck was stripped down to bare frame to start this build. After much thought, planning, and creativity combined with countless hours and many thousands of dollars during its frame off restoration and customization, the yield is this outstanding, as new 68 Bronco. The exterior paint is beautiful and shows well. As for the underside of this old girl, you could eat off it. The engine bay shows new and the interior design and appearance is awesome. Powering this beast is a rebuilt 5.0 liter Ford EFI engine mated to a fortified 3 speed and 4WD system. This beast also has a custom fabricated full length roll cage. The brand new ''best top'' soft top looks great. There is also ice cold air conditioning in this truck. Cluster has been replaced and shows 0. Still requires some continuous restoration.

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

5.0L V8
3 Speed Manual
In-Car Audio:
4-Wheel Drive, Convertible, Leather Seats
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Ford: Bronco Convertible for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 220 votes
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QC H4P 1G7<br><a href='https://maps. google. ca/maps?q=Rolls+Royce+Quebec. 5155+Rue+de+Sorel. Montreal. QC' >MAP</a><div align="center"></div> <span class="highlight"> <li class="buffer"><strong>Sales: 1 (888) 502-7037<br> <font size="3">Contact Frank Peronace<br> General Manager<br> Extension 5205<br> Mobile:(514) 867-8148</strong></li> </font> < <li class="buffer"><strong><a href="http://contact. ebay. com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI. dll?FindAnswers&redirect=0&requested=rollsroycemontreal" >Ask Us A Question</a></strong></li></ul></div><div class="clear"></div><div class="details"><ul> <li><strong>Year: </strong>1968</li> <li><strong>Make: </strong>Ford</li> <li><strong>Model: </strong>Bronco</li> <li><strong>VIN: </strong>U14NLC88672</li></ul><ul> <li><strong>Stock Number: </strong>P0260</li> <li><strong>Mileage: </strong>--</li> <li><strong>Transmission: </strong>3 Speed Manual</li> <li><strong>Engine: </strong>5. 0L V8</li></ul><ul> <li><strong>Exterior Color: </strong>Blue</li> <li><strong>Interior Color: </strong>Black</li> <li><strong>Title: </strong></li></ul></div><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="contentWrapper"><h4><a name="desc" id="desc"></a>Vehicle Description</h4><div class="content"> <p>The 1968 Ford Bronco offered here is one of finest builds we have seen. No sortcuts. no bargain parts and zero shortage of the ''cool factor''. The truck was stripped down to bare frame to start this build. The entire truck was disassembled. gutted. stripped down to bare metal. After much thought. planning. and creativity combined with countless hours and many thousands of dollars during its frame off restoration and customization. the yield is this outstanding. as new 68 Bronco. The exterior paint is beautiful and shows well. As for the underside of this old girl. you could eat off it. The engine bay shows new and the interior design and appearance is awesome. Powering this beast is a rebuilt 5. 0 liter Ford EFI engine mated to a fortified 3 speed and 4WD system. This beast also has a custom fabricated full length roll cage. The brand new ''best top'' soft top looks great. There is also ice cold air conditioning in this truck. <br /> <br /> In short. even though it does require some continuous restoration. this 1968 Bronco is the perfect blend of original look with modern performance. Early Broncos continue to captivate the automotive world with their iconic design. They have also been the first choice for modification by off road enthusiasts almost immediately after their introduction in the mid 60's. This Bronco captures the essence of modern day builds using the best. most reliable parts and technology available. Do not miss this one! Bronco builds of this caliber cannot be created for twice the price offered here<

<p> <

</div></div><div class="contentWrapper"><h4><a name="spec" id="desc2"></a>Features & Options</h4><div class="featuresOptions"><table cellspacing="0" align="center"><tr> <td id="column0"><p><

</td><td id="column1"><p><

</td></tr></table></div><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="contentWrapper"><h4><a name="photos" id="desc3"></a>Photo Gallery</h4><div id="photos"><!-- Large Layout --> <img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_1. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_2. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_3. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_4. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_5. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_6. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_7. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_8. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_9. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_10. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_11. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_12. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_13. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_14. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_15. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_16. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_17. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_18. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_19. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_20. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_21. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_22. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_23. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_24. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_25. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /><img src="http://ebay. rolls-roycemotorcars-quebec. com/uploads/808567_picture_26. jpg" alt="" class="photo"/><div class="caption"></div><hr /> <div class="clear"></div></div><div class="contentWrapper"><h4><a name="other" id="desc4"></a>Additional Information</h4><style> . ClearFix:after { clear: both; content: ". "; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden; } . ClearFix {display:inline-block;} /* Hide from IE-mac \*/ * html . ClearFix { height: 1%; } /* End hide from IE-mac */ #AutoCheckSection { clear:both; margin:0 0 10px 0; } #AutoCheckSection a. autoCheck{ display:block !important; margin:auto; position:relative; float:left; border:0px; width:120px; padding:5px 0 0 0; } #CarFaxSection a. autoCheck img{ border:0px; } #AutoCheckSection . AutoCheckContent{ float:left; width:70%; padding: 0px 0 0 10px; line-height:1. 7; } </style><h5>Warranty</h5><div class="content"> <p><

</div><h5>Terms & Conditions</h5><div class="content"> <p><span style="font-size: large;"><strong></strong><<

</div></div></div><div id="seeOtherLink"><a href="http://cgi6. ebay. com/ws/eBayISAPI. dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=rollsroycemontreal&include=0&since=-1&sort=3&rows=50" >See our other listings</a></div><div id="disclaimer"><!--<p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong> This auction is a legally binding contract to buy this vehicle. All vehicles are sold as-is unless otherwise specified. I have done my best to accurately describe this vehicle. It is up to the buyer to come see and further inspect the car before the end of the auction. <


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