Packard One-Ten 110 - car classics
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Used Packard One-Ten 110 Cars

Packard One-Ten 110
Packard One-Ten, also known as the В«110В», was made Packard Motor Company from 1940 to 1941, after which it was replaced by the Packard Six.
Packard almost twenty years has not issued six cylinder car. The reasons were replaced one after another, but after a terrible economic crisis of the early 30s and the subsequent rapid economic recovery, the group decided that the time has come to release a decent model. The output was a success - even his fiercest critics acknowledge the success of the Packard One-Ten, which has become a symbol of wealth and success of the В«new generationВ» of the Americans. Success was close to the phenomenal for a year and a half was sold 62300 auto.
Packard One-Ten different from their fellow of those years a few more short wheelbase, as the title of the produced not only sedans, but coupes. After it became obvious success, it was decided to secure it, giving Packard One-Ten features of a luxury car manual Assembly. That is why there appeared air conditioning and electric power window, which, however, was the cause of the many jokes of the very unstable operation. By 1942, the group decided to return the numeric names for their cars, which resulted in the same vehicle was launched under the name Packard Six.
Other names of this model:
Packard Model 110
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