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Classic Cars / Mercedes-Benz / Mercedes-Benz 190SL

Mercedes-Benz 190SL - car classics

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Used Mercedes-Benz 190SL Cars

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Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL
  • Mercedes-Benz 190SL

Mercedes-Benz 190SL

The prototype of the Mercedes-Benz 190SL was first shown during the new York auto show, 1954, the release of the revised version began in 1955 and lasted until 1963. For eight years the production of the car several times with an updated design, but the engine has remained the same. The last letters of SL mean Sportlich Leicht (sports an easy), but the original sales in the USA Mercedes-Benz 190SL led to the fact that the wits deciphered this abbreviation as Statussymbol&Lifestyle (symbol of status and way of life), that has not stopped sell 26000 such cars.

Mercedes-Benz 190SL received specially designed 4-cylinder petrol engine with a volume of 1.9 l. Power limit of the aggregate in 105l.s. at 5700 rpm allowed to disperse the car weight 1140 kg to 170km/h, which is very bad for road machines of those years. Moreover, this engine did not only show good performance characteristics, but also has established itself as a very reliable, economical and environmentally friendly. In addition, the Mercedes-Benz 190SL was equipped with a four-mechanical transmission, a fully independent suspension and disc brakes on all wheels.

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from tak, dated 14 april 2014
looking for 1955 190sl

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