Classic Cars in USA / Marmon

Marmon History


This is the history of the brand Marmon since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.

Classic Cars

We have collected the best classic cars in our catalogue. In addition, if you're going to buy one - just check the latest Marmon listings in the United States.


"Marmon" ("Marmon Motor Company"), a U.S. company for the production of passenger cars.

The American company "Marmon Motor Company" began producing cars in 1902. The first car was a model company with a V4 engine of its own design with air cooling.

In 1931 the company tried to implement a 16-cylinder V16 engine displacement of 8.1 liters, develops a colossal power. However, not having sufficient financial resources for the production of such cars in 1933, "Marmon" was forced to close.

Latest classic Marmon cars offered in listings in the United States: