Classic Cars in USA / Clenet

Clenet Cars History


This is the history of the brand Clenet since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.

Classic Cars

We have collected the best classic cars in our catalogue. In addition, if you're going to buy one - just check the latest Clenet listings in the United States.


Frenchman Alain Clenet, living in America, founded the company "Clenet" and obsessed with creating cars replikarov - style sports " classic " '30s . His fascinating Mercedes and Jaguar, which he tried to revive . It was prestigious and expensive cars that carried the most modern units . All the "remarks " made ​​by hand , equipped with chrome exhaust pipes , bumpers and running boards , styled wheels , steel body into two or four seats . Their base is the most expensive "Lincoln Continental" with a 6 -liter V8. To assemble one car took 1,600 hours , so it is not surprising that in 1982 the car "Clenet" worth 75,000 dollars. Each year the company produced 125 cars. The serial number of each was engraved on a silver plate attached to the body . "Clenet", a pro- elite clientele , lasted only 6 years old.

Latest classic Clenet cars offered in listings in the United States: