Classic Cars in USA / Chevrolet / Car for sale

2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV Premier

Sale price: $23,990.00 make an offer

Car location: Greenville, South Carolina, United States

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

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2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV Premier for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 39 votes

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(706) 309-0005(706) 309-0005Visit eBay Store123456789101112of12Full size photosFull size photos2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV PremierStock #: 110306Exterior Color: Nightfall Gray MetallicInterior Color: GrayBody Type: CarTransmission: AutomaticDrivetrain: FWDEngine: Electric Drive UnitMileage: 29,268 City 128 mpg Hwy 110 mpg Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions and driving habits. Check out this 2017! An awesome price considering its low mileage! With less than 30,000 miles on the odometer, this vehicle invigorates its segment with sporty proportions, generous equipment and exceptional safety! Chevrolet infused the interior with top shelf amenities, such as: a leather steering wheel, a roof rack, and 1-touch window functionality. We have the vehicle you've been searching for at a price you can afford. Please don't hesitate to give us a call. Vehicle Description Check out this 2017! An awesome price considering its low mileage! With less than 30,000 miles on the odometer, this vehicle invigorates its segment with sporty proportions, generous equipment and exceptional safety! Chevrolet infused the interior with top shelf amenities, such as: a leather steering wheel, a roof rack, and 1-touch window functionality. We have the vehicle you've been searching for at a price you can afford. Please don't hesitate to give us a call. Vehicle EquipmentExterior FeaturesDoor handles, body-color with chrome stripGlass, solar absorbing windshieldHeadlamp control, automatic on and offHeadlamps, high intensity discharge, low and high beam projectorLamp, LED center high-mounted stop/brake (CHMSL), LEDLamps, stop and tail, LEDLiftgate handleLPO, Tire Inflator Kit Package includes (SD4) Tire inflator, LPO (Standard for ship-to state Rhode Island only.)Luggage rack, side rails, roof-mountedMirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, black, manual-folding with integrated turn signal indicatorsTires, P215/50R17 all-season blackwall, Michelin Selfseal puncture-sealingWheels, 17" (43.2 cm) Ultra-Bright machined aluminum with painted pocketsWiper, rear intermittent with washerWipers, front intermittent, variable with washersInterior FeaturesAir conditioning, single-zone automatic climate controlAir filter, cabinArmrest, rear centerAssist handles, 2, rear outboard with rear coat hooksCargo coverCharge control, location based, selectable GPS enabled with programmable "home" charging settingCharge control, programmable time of day with charging status indicator light on instrument panelConsole, floor with sliding armrestConsole, front floor with covered storageCup holders, 2 front and 2 rearDefogger, rear-window electricDisplay, vehicle efficiency with programmable charge timesDoor handles, inside, chromeDrive mode control switch (Normal and Sport)Driver Information Center 8" diagonal enhanced multi-color configurable graphic display with 3 themes and energy-use monitorsGlovebox, passenger-sideHead restraints, front, 2-way adjustable (up/down)Head restraints, rear, outboard seats, articulatingHeat ducts, rearInstrumentation, digital with mph speedometerLamp, interior, ambient instrument panelLighting, interior, ambient LED-based front reading lights, dome and incandescent cargo area lampLock control, liftgate, power remote open/closeMap pocket, front passenger seatbackOutside temperature display located in the Driver Information CenterPower outlet, auxiliary, located forward of the front storage bin located in front storage bin and rear of center consoleSeat adjuster, driver 6-way manualSeat adjuster, front passenger 6-way manualSeat, rear 60/40 split-foldingSeats, heated driver and front passengerSeats, heated, rearShift knob, leather-trimmed with satin silver and chrome accentsSteering column, tilt and telescopicSteering wheel, 3-spoke leather-wrappedSteering wheel, heatedStorage, in front of shifter and driver and front passenger door panelsStorage, rear cargo area, intended for charging cord, coveredStorage, rear cargo, double floorVisors, driver and front passenger vanity mirrors, coveredMechanical FeaturesAlternator, noneBattery, 12-volt with Rundown ProtectionBattery, 60 kWh, Propulsion, Lithium-ion, Rechargeable Energy Storage SystemBrake, electronic parkingBrakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel discCharge cord, 120-volt, portableCharger, 7.2 kW high-voltageElectric PropulsionElectronic Precision Shift, electronic transmission range selector with Low selection for throttle off regenerative brakingEngine, noneFinal drive ratio, 7.05:1Front wheel driveFuel, noneRegen on Demand, steering wheel paddle, regenerative brakingSteering, power, non-variable ratio, electricSuspension, front independentSuspension, Performance ride and HandlingSuspension, rear, semi-independent, compound crankSafety FeaturesAir bags, head curtain side-impact, front and rear outboard seating... positions (Always use safety belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner's Manual for more information.)Air bags, knee, driver and front passenger (Always use safety... belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner's Manual for more information.)Daytime Running Lamps, LED with signature lightingDoor locks, rear child securityLane Change Alert with Side Blind Zone AlertLATCH system (Lower Anchors and Top tethers for CHildren), for child safety seatsOnStar Basic plan for 5 years includes limited vehicle mobile app features, Monthly Diagnostics Report and Dealer Maintenance Notification (Basic Plan available for 5 years from the date of vehicle delivery and is transferable. Does not include Emergency, Security or Navigation services.)Rear Cross-Traffic AlertRear Parking AssistSafety belt indicator, driverSafety belt indicator, front passengerSafety belts, 3-point driver and front passenger includes pretensioners and load limitersSafety belts, 3-point, rear outboard and center positionStabiliTrak, stability control system with Traction ControlTire Pressure Monitor System, manual learnEntertainment FeaturesAntenna, roof-mounted, shark-finAudio system feature, 6-speaker systemTeen Driver mode a configurable feature that lets you activate... customizable vehicle settings associated with a key fob, to encourage safe driving behavior. It can limit certain vehicle features, and it prevents certain safety systems from being turned off. An in-vehicle report gives you information on your teen's driving habits and helps you to continue to coach your new driverExterior FeaturesDoor handles, body-color with chrome stripGlass, solar absorbing windshieldHeadlamp control, automatic on and offHeadlamps, high intensity discharge, low and high beam projectorLamp, LED center high-mounted stop/brake (CHMSL), LEDLamps, stop and tail, LEDLiftgate handleLPO, Tire Inflator Kit Package includes (SD4) Tire inflator, LPO (Standard for ship-to state Rhode Island only.)Luggage rack, side rails, roof-mountedMirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, black, manual-folding with integrated turn signal indicatorsTires, P215/50R17 all-season blackwall, Michelin Selfseal puncture-sealingWheels, 17" (43.2 cm) Ultra-Bright machined aluminum with painted pocketsWiper, rear intermittent with washerWipers, front intermittent, variable with washersInterior FeaturesAir conditioning, single-zone automatic climate controlAir filter, cabinArmrest, rear centerAssist handles, 2, rear outboard with rear coat hooksCargo coverCharge control, location based, selectable GPS enabled with programmable "home" charging settingCharge control, programmable time of day with charging status indicator light on instrument panelConsole, floor with sliding armrestConsole, front floor with covered storageCup holders, 2 front and 2 rearDefogger, rear-window electricDisplay, vehicle efficiency with programmable charge timesDoor handles, inside, chromeDrive mode control switch (Normal and Sport)Driver Information Center 8" diagonal enhanced multi-color configurable graphic display with 3 themes and energy-use monitorsGlovebox, passenger-sideHead restraints, front, 2-way adjustable (up/down)Head restraints, rear, outboard seats, articulatingHeat ducts, rearInstrumentation, digital with mph speedometerLamp, interior, ambient instrument panelLighting, interior, ambient LED-based front reading lights, dome and incandescent cargo area lampLock control, liftgate, power remote open/closeMap pocket, front passenger seatbackOutside temperature display located in the Driver Information CenterPower outlet, auxiliary, located forward of the front storage bin located in front storage bin and rear of center consoleSeat adjuster, driver 6-way manualSeat adjuster, front passenger 6-way manualSeat, rear 60/40 split-foldingSeats, heated driver and front passengerSeats, heated, rearShift knob, leather-trimmed with satin silver and chrome accentsSteering column, tilt and telescopicSteering wheel, 3-spoke leather-wrappedSteering wheel, heatedStorage, in front of shifter and driver and front passenger door panelsStorage, rear cargo area, intended for charging cord, coveredStorage, rear cargo, double floorVisors, driver and front passenger vanity mirrors, coveredMechanical FeaturesAlternator, noneBattery, 12-volt with Rundown ProtectionBattery, 60 kWh, Propulsion, Lithium-ion, Rechargeable Energy Storage SystemBrake, electronic parkingBrakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel discCharge cord, 120-volt, portableCharger, 7.2 kW high-voltageElectric PropulsionElectronic Precision Shift, electronic transmission range selector with Low selection for throttle off regenerative brakingEngine, noneFinal drive ratio, 7.05:1Front wheel driveFuel, noneRegen on Demand, steering wheel paddle, regenerative brakingSteering, power, non-variable ratio, electricSuspension, front independentSuspension, Performance ride and HandlingSuspension, rear, semi-independent, compound crankSafety FeaturesAir bags, head curtain side-impact, front and rear outboard seating... positions (Always use safety belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner's Manual for more information.)Air bags, knee, driver and front passenger (Always use safety... belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner's Manual for more information.)Daytime Running Lamps, LED with signature lightingDoor locks, rear child securityLane Change Alert with Side Blind Zone AlertLATCH system (Lower Anchors and Top tethers for CHildren), for child safety seatsOnStar Basic plan for 5 years includes limited vehicle mobile app features, Monthly Diagnostics Report and Dealer Maintenance Notification (Basic Plan available for 5 years from the date of vehicle delivery and is transferable. Does not include Emergency, Security or Navigation services.)Rear Cross-Traffic AlertRear Parking AssistSafety belt indicator, driverSafety belt indicator, front passengerSafety belts, 3-point driver and front passenger includes pretensioners and load limitersSafety belts, 3-point, rear outboard and center positionStabiliTrak, stability control system with Traction ControlTire Pressure Monitor System, manual learnEntertainment FeaturesAntenna, roof-mounted, shark-finAudio system feature, 6-speaker systemTeen Driver mode a configurable feature that lets you activate... customizable vehicle settings associated with a key fob, to encourage safe driving behavior. It can limit certain vehicle features, and it prevents certain safety systems from being turned off. An in-vehicle report gives you information on your teen's driving habits and helps you to continue to coach your new driverVehicle Warranty

New Vehicles come with a full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have a remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.

About Kevin Whitaker Chevrolet Cadillac

Welcome to Kevin Whitaker Chevrolet Cadillac. We have been your premier Chevrolet and Cadillac dealer, serving the upstate of South Carolina for over 30 years, including nearby Georgia and North Carolina Communities. We are conveniently located off Interstate 85 at exit 48B. At Kevin Whitaker Chevrolet Cadillac, customer service is our top priority. We carry all makes and models, from cars, trucks and SUVs including the business demands of our commercial customers. Our extensive new & used inventory is what makes Kevin Whitaker Chevrolet Cadillac the premier dealer in the Upstate of South Carolina.  We are committed to take the necessary steps to earn your business and trust. As an online customer, take advantage of our Internet specials and incentives. Call us today and set an appointment to test drive any of our new Chevrolets and Cadillacs.  Come take a ride in one of our many fully serviced used domestic or import cars, trucks or SUVs. Thank you again for visiting Kevin Whitaker Chevrolet Cadillac!  We look forward to serving you in the near future!

Contact us for more details(706) 309-0005(706) 309-0005Terms and ConditionsPayment Options We accept the following payment methods: - Cashier's Check/money order- Personal check (once cleared)Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at (706) 309-0005General Terms

Notice to Bidders: All of the vehicles we list on eBay are for sale locally.  We reserve the right to end an auction early.  All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale. Deposit: We require a non-refundable $500 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction. Please call to make arrangements for payment. Payment Types: Cash in person, Certified Funds, Institutional Financing All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close. Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance.

Fees and Taxes

Out of state buyers are responsible for paying tax, title, license and documentation fee.  The customer is responsible for registering the vehicle in their home state.  Please reach out to dealer for details.

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