Classic Cars in USA / Chevrolet / Car for sale

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air/150/210 350 Motor & Tranny Hard Top

Sale price: $55,995.00 make an offer

Car location: Salina, Kansas, United States

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

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1955 Chevrolet Bel Air/150/210 350 Motor & Tranny Hard Top for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.1) based on 29 votes

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(785) 823-2237(785) 823-2237123456789101112131415161718192021of21Full size photosVideoFull size photosVideo1955 Chevrolet Bel Air 350 Motor & Tranny Hard Top Stock #: 21753A2Exterior Color: TealInterior Color: White/TealTransmission: 350Mileage: 13,335350 Motor & TrannySmall Block ChevyTurbo Crate EngineFrame Off Build2 Door Hardtop3 Speed AutomaticTeal & White UpholsteryTeal & White Trunk CarpetPainted Interior Trim & DashPower SteeringPower BrakesHalogen HeadlampsEdelbrock Performace CarboratorCOLD A/CQuartz Clock15 inch Chrome Pacer WheelsListed Price May Include Financing Through Long McArthur!Vehicle Description350 Motor & TrannySmall Block ChevyTurbo Crate EngineFrame Off Build2 Door Hardtop3 Speed AutomaticTeal & White UpholsteryTeal & White Trunk CarpetPainted Interior Trim & DashPower SteeringPower BrakesHalogen HeadlampsEdelbrock Performace CarboratorCOLD A/CQuartz Clock15 inch Chrome Pacer WheelsListed Price May Include Financing Through Long McArthur!Vehicle Warranty

New Vehicles come with a full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have a remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.

Terms and ConditionsPayment Options We accept the following payment methods: - Cashier's Check/money order- Personal check (once cleared)Vehicle Pickup & Shipping Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at (785) 823-2237General Terms

Terms & Conditions

We recognize the need for complete transparency when buying/selling vehicles on eBay. With that, we do our best to know each vehicle we sell, and we work diligently to understand every aspect of each vehicle. We did not build, modify, or have the luxury of personal ownership that would give us the advantage of knowing the unknown. Again, transparency is king and we're happy to answer ALL questions our customers might have. Additionally, we welcome inspections (see Inspection statement below), ask lots of questions, and keep an open mind when buying such vehicles.

Doc Fee: $299.95 will be added to the purchase price at the time of sale. This is not an arbitrary charge, your documents are very important to us so we use the best resources in the business to assure accuracy and timeliness. This fee only partially covers those costs.

Availability: Our vehicles are made available upon final payment. Please inquire prior to purchase to assure any advertised vehicle is not already sold. We advertise across multiple resources where a vehicle could sell in a moment's notice. Vehicles may be sold prior to eBay listing end, seller reserves the right to end its listings early or to cancel bids/offers solely at its discretion and shall not be held liable for any such cancellation.

Contact: Note you may hear from us prior to sale. But, If you are a winning bidder, click a Buy-It-Now, or we accept your eBay Offer, it is your responsibility to contact seller within 24 hours.

Inspection: VERY IMPORTANT. Please inspect, if a buyer chooses to buy sight unseen (many of our buyers choose this option) buyer accepts the vehicle AS-IS and understand we cannot address concerns post sale. It's important all concerns are addressed prior to purchase. Again, we make every effort to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer/buyer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all diff

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