Classic Cars in USA / Jeep / Car for sale

1978 Jeep CJ Custom

Sale price: $39,900.00 make an offer

Car location: Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

350 ci V8
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1978 Jeep CJ Custom for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.05) based on 35 votes

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(877) 894-4420(877) 894-44201234567891011121314151617181920of20Full size photosFull size photos1978 Jeep CJ-7 Custom 53144 Miles BlackStock #: 1467CJExterior Color: BlackInterior Color: OrangeTransmission: AutomaticDrivetrain: 4WDEngine: 350 ci V8Mileage: 53,1441978 CJ-7 CustomOver $50,000 invested.350ci V8 Chevrolet motorCustom stainless dashboard4.5' Complete lift kit with steering dampener Custom leather interiorMotoMetal 20' wheels with 35' tiresFront and rear differential covers (polished chrome)All hinges in chromeHD aluminum radiatorRear LED tail lightsFront LED Halo headlightsKC LED light barKC LED single mount bumper lightsTubular brush style front bumper with winch cutout.Tubular rear bumperWarn VR8 8k lb winchHolly sniper EFI carb kitDual Battery setupExhaust headersMarine Kenwood stereo systemChrome sidemount exhaust  For more info call, email, or just stop in!Vehicle Description1978 CJ-7 CustomOver $50,000 invested.350ci V8 Chevrolet motorCustom stainless dashboard4.5' Complete lift kit with steering dampener Custom leather interiorMotoMetal 20' wheels with 35' tiresFront and rear differential covers (polished chrome)All hinges in chromeHD aluminum radiatorRear LED tail lightsFront LED Halo headlightsKC LED light barKC LED single mount bumper lightsTubular brush style front bumper with winch cutout.Tubular rear bumperWarn VR8 8k lb winchHolly sniper EFI carb kitDual Battery setupExhaust headersMarine Kenwood stereo systemChrome sidemount exhaust  For more info call, email, or just stop in!Vehicle Warranty

New Vehicles come with a full-factory warranty. Used vehicles may have a remaining-factory warranty, but please contact us for the warranty details specific to this vehicle.

About Atlantis Motor Group

Atlantis Motor Group specializes in Special Assets", the hard to get. Whether limited editions, very low miles, or odd colors.  And if we don't have what you want, just ask. We'll find it for you. We are knowledgable, friendly, and easy to work with. Call us today.  800-935-9590

Contact us for more details(877) 894-4420(877) 894-4420Terms and ConditionsPayment Options We accept the following payment methods: - Cashier's Check/money order- Loan check from eBay Financing Center- Cash (in person)- Personal check (once cleared)Vehicle Pickup & Shipping All shipping charges are buyer's responsibility. Finance, Warranty, Shipping question? Call the dealer at (877) 894-4420General Terms Notice to Bidders: All of the vehicles we list on eBay are for sale locally.  We reserve the right to end an auction early.  All cars are immediately ready for delivery upon sale.   Deposit: We require a non-refundable $500 deposit within 48 hours of winning the auction. Please call to make arrangements for payment.    Payment Types: Cash in person, Certified Funds, Institutional Financing     All sales transactions must be completed within 7 calendar days of auction close.   Prices subject to change without notice and do not include Title, License, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes or Processing Fees, if any. Please contact seller first for vehicle availability. Although every effort is made to present accurate and reliable information, use of this information is voluntary, and should only be deemed reliable after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify the existence of options, accessories and the vehicle condition before time of sale. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to time of sale. No expressed or implied warranties, including the availability or condition of the equipment listed is made. EPA mileage estimates for comparison purposes only. Actual mileage may vary depending on driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle maintenance.Fees and Taxes

Out of state buyers are responsible for paying tax, title, license and documentation fee.  The customer is responsible for registering the vehicle in their home state.  Please reach out to dealer for details.

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