Renault History
This is the history of the brand Renault since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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Renault today it is state automobile company of France. Which produces cars of different species and types, from sports to cars and trucks. Who gave the impulse for this company? Who stood at the beginnings of the В«RenoВ»?
The history of the legendary French auto
In 1898, was released the first car. He was light, simple, its capacity was just 0.75 HP.
In 1899 appeared A model. Its important feature is the following: the rotation of the rear wheels were passed not by means of a chain, and with the help of a shaft with universal joints. This was a novelty! Know-how of his time. Which were able to reach the founders of the Renault.
In 1900, the company began to produce large and powerful vehicles. There were about 179 machines.
In 1906, the company actively cooperated with Russia. For the Emperor was even created a car В«Limousine-landole.В»
In 1925, the logo of the Renault becomes the diamond symbol.
In 1933 appear powerful and in this economy cars. The aim was to create economical cars with good technical data. It was Renault 302.
1945 year was historic for Renault. She was fully nationalized and transferred into state hands, ceased to be a private enterprise.
In 1958, the В«RenoВ» makes its debut auto Renault 4. Who was with front-wheel drive. He became very popular, in fact, the people's car.
In 1967, the Renault factories were already on every continent. It should be noted that the engineer of the company have always worked in the strictest secrecy, with the aim of giving birth to something new, unusual, with the help of which it will be possible to gain popularity.
In 1991, a Renault Clio was the car of the year.
Renault - truly majestic masterpiece of the French car!
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