Classic Cars in Australia / Ferrari / Car for sale

Purvis Eureka KIT CAR Looks Similar TO Ferrari Lamborghini Corvette GT40 in Altona Meadows, VIC

Sale price: $14,500.00 make an offer

Car location: LAVERTON, VIC, Australia

Sale type: Fixed price listing

Technical specifications, photos and description:

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Purvis Eureka KIT CAR Looks Similar TO Ferrari Lamborghini Corvette GT40 in Altona Meadows, VIC for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.15) based on 492 votes
1984 Purvis Eureka F4 Kit Car.
Registered in Victoria .
The vehicle is in running order. has the original paint from 1984 and is as close to stock as you will find.

RWC will not be supplied. but the plates can be left on while you get a RWC to help out (In Victoria) .
Note: For interstate buyers the number plates / Registration will be removed as requested by Victoria Roads.

Parts description:
* 1600cc dual port VW Beetle engine(when purchased was told it could be 1700cc. but has never been checked)
* Pict34-3 carburetor (just been rebuilt)
* Electric ignition (new coil. new SVDA distributor)
* New fuel pump
* New Swing axle boots
* Drum brake refresh
* Headlights replaced
* Also All round freshen up (oil / filters / light globes / interior)

Start up. Rev and Roof Video:
http://img832. imageshack. us/img832/7909/dw8sdfoljvbcijrwqkpwyd. mp4

If you are interested in the car please contact me to schedule a time to see it.

Asking $14. 00 ONO

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Comments and questions to the seller:

from Terry, dated 25 december 2019
Lol wrong car haha

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