Classic Cars / Packard / Car for sale

1949 Packard Custom 8 Sedan

Sale price: $US $12,210.00 make an offer

Sale type: Fixed price listing

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1949 Packard Custom 8 Sedan for sale

Current customer rating: current rating for this car(2.25) based on 323 votes
Frontier Motors in Helena Mt sold to local businessman.  I bought in 1977. no rust always garaged. all original except for an engine replacement in mid-50's.  We drove and showed until 1985 when  most of the car was taken apart for tedious cleaning. chassis Imron paint. rechroming. oil seals. aint prepped to the metal. body primed with epoxy. then original lacquer.  It won first place in 3 Packard Nationals. then became our tour car with Blue Ridge Packards and fond memories.  

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