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Classic Cars / Fiat / Fiat 500

Fiat 500 - car classics

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Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500
  • Fiat 500

Fiat 500

The Fiat 500 is a small compact car produced by the company Fiat in Italy between 1957 and 1975. The car was designed by the designer Dante Dzhakoza.

Launched as Nuova (new) 500 in July 1957, the Fiat 500 was cheap and practical city car. Long only 3 meters (about 10 feet), and with the appropriate size dvuhcilindrovym engine volume 479 CC, air-cooled engine, the Fiat 500 introduced in the automotive industry the term "small car" and is considered to be one of the first "urban" cars.

Mass production of the Fiat 500 was organized at three factories in Italy: in Turin, Palermo and Dezio. In addition, under license agreements Fiat 500 gathered at the German plant NSU in Haylbronne, as well as at the Steyr-Daimler-Puch in Austria.

Other names of this model: Fiat Nuova 500, Fiat 500 D, Fiat 500 K (Giardiniera), Fiat 500 F (Berlina), Fiat 500 L (Lusso), Fiat 500 R (Rinnovata), Fiat 500 Topolino, Puch 500, Autobianchi Bianchina

Latest Fiat 500 listings offered via internet auctions:

1972 Fiat 500L for Sale
price: $17,625.00
1972 Fiat 500L
1975 Fiat 500 for Sale
price: $24,995.00
1975 Fiat 500
1972 Fiat 500 500L for Sale
price: $19,977.00
1972 Fiat 500 500L
1972 Fiat 500L for Sale
price: $17,625.00
1972 Fiat 500L

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